Guide to Seasonal Pest Control

Preventing Seasonal Pest Invasions

Guide to Seasonal Pest Control

Dealing with pests can be a year-round task, but different seasons bring an influx of different insects and critters trying to invade your home. Being prepared and proactive with seasonal pest control can help prevent major infestations and keep your home clean and pest-free environment.

Planning is Key

The best defense is a good offense when it comes to pest prevention. Instead of reacting to invasions, be proactive by taking measures to block pests before they ever enter your home. Evaluate your home from top to bottom and seal any cracks or holes where pests may enter. Trim bushes and vegetation that touch or lean on your home. Fix leaky pipes and clean up any moisture issues that attract pests. A clean, dry home is far less inviting.

Spring Pests

When warmer weather arrives in spring, it also ushers in a new set of pests. As insects emerge from dormancy, they start foraging for food and water sources and begin breeding cycles.


Ants invade homes in search of meal and shelter. To prevent ant infestations:

  • Seal cracks and entry points outside your home.
  • Clean up food spills right away so ants aren’t attracted inside.
  • Use ant bait traps as a proactive measure.


If you have pets that go outdoors, fleas can hitch a ride inside on their fur. Stop fleas before they infest your home by:

  • Treating your yard and outdoor areas your pets frequent.
  • Giving your pets flea medication as prescribed by your veterinarian.
  • Vacuuming thoroughly and washing pet bedding regularly.

Flies & Mosquitos

Flies and mosquitos are extremely active in spring. Keep them at bay by:

  • Installing protective screens on doors and windows.
  • Eliminating standing water around your home where mosquitos breed.
  • Using EPA approved insecticides designed for each specific insect.

Summer Pests

The peak of summer weather brings hungry insects looking to share your living space. Stop these summer invaders like termites with these tips:

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ant nests are more visible during the active summer months. Hire a professional exterminator if you suspect you have carpenter ants that have nested in your home’s structure. Treat the external perimeter of your house with insecticide to deter more from entering.


Prevent messy pest infestations by taking away their fundamental needs – sustenance, water and shelter. Practice good kitchen hygiene by cleaning counters and floors consistently, storing food properly in sealed containers, fixing plumbing leaks, and sealing any cracks/crevices. Use sticky traps and gel bait as an additional roach deterrent.

Stinging Insects

Watch out for the likes of wasps, hornets and bees during summer outdoor activities. Keep lids on trash cans. Avoid wearing fragrances that attract them when outdoors. Install outdoor lighting away from doors as light attracts nighttime insects. Treat nests with extreme caution and call an effective pest control professional if nests are on your property.

Autumn Pests

Cooler autumn temperatures drive some pests indoors seeking warmth and food. Patrol your home’s exterior for gaps and seal any entrance. Pay special attention to attics and basements where rodents seek winter shelter.


Seal any exterior holes larger than a dime so mice can’t sneak their way inside. Clean up kitchen spills and store food in chew-proof containers. Use snap traps or other controlled measures if mice get inside.

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs swarm to warmth and shelter in the fall. Prune and remove boxelder trees and plants around your home. Caulk and install door sweeps on exterior entry doors. Treat with insecticides around potential entryways.

Occasional Invaders

Seasonal pests like lady bugs, stink bugs and spiders all find their way inside homes in autumn. Installing window screens and sealing exterior cracks helps prevent most occasional invaders. Use sticky traps or vacuum cleaners to catch pests already inside.

Winter Pests

While signs of pest activity decline in winter, it pushes rodents indoors desperate to escape the cold. Don’t let mice, rats, and squirrels ruin your colder months.

Rats & Mice

Like mice, rats enter homes through tiny openings seeking food and refuge from harsh winter temps. Seal exterior holes, clean up kitchen items, and install rat traps if they’ve already moved in. Prevent trees and shrubs from touching your home’s exterior to block their highway inside.


Squirrels are destructive when they nest indoors, chewing through electrical wires and prying into attics. Trim trees back from touching your home. Seal any holes along the roof line and attic vents using steel mesh and caulk. Set squirrel traps on eaves and attic areas if necessary.

Occasional Invaders

Ladybugs and boxelder bugs converge on homes as temperatures drop, crawling into cracks and crevices to survive. Make sure windows and doors seal tightly when shut. Look for tiny gaps around utility lines and pipes where occasional invaders enter. Apply insecticides outside for added prevention.

Preventing Seasonal Pest Invasions

Prevention Tips for Every Season

  • Install weather stripping around doors and windows.
  • Seal exterior holes with copper mesh, caulk or other materials, depending on the hole’s location and size.
  • Store food securely in airtight containers.
  • Vacuum and mop hard floors frequently.
  • Inspect around the exterior of your home monthly, taking note of any potential entry points.
  • Clean debris and vegetation touching the exterior walls of your home.
  • Call a professional pest control service for peace of mind.

Prepare Your Home for All Seasons

While pests pose unique threats in each season, being proactive year-round provides the best defense. Implement preventive measures before common pests arrive at your door.

But if they do get inside, have a plan of action ready with proven treatments to eliminate invaders for good no matter what the season. A clean, protected home deters seasonal pests from trying to move in and interrupt your living space.